About Us
President's Message
As one of the world's leading fine chemical and pharmaceutical specialists,we will solve the issues facing society with the power of chemistry.

President & Chief Executive Officer
Itochu Chemical Frontier Corporation is a core operating company in the Itochu Group that specializes in the field of high-performance chemicals. The basic chemicals known as "Kawakami" (upstream") in the chemical industry make up the main business domain of the chemicals department of Itochu. In contrast, the Company, with basic chemicals as a starting material, is responsible for the high-added-value "Kawanaka" ("midstream") and "Kawashimo" ("downstream") areas of fine chemicals and specialty chemicals area. It independently develops exports, imports, and trilateral trade and dispatches resident personnel around the world.
Its business areas are diverse, such as polymer raw materials, functional materials, eco-life science related fields, medicine, and raw materials. Its business activities are not limited to global trade alone. Currently, our business areas start with global trade and extend into the areas of investment and lending to companies inside and outside Japan, manufacturing outsourcing, partnerships with overseas supply sources and startups, technology licensing, and more. For example, in the pharmaceutical business, we import high-quality active pharmaceutical ingredients, intermediates, and drug products. Furthermore, our own laboratory conducts quality control in a system that can supply raw materials and products to pharmaceutical companies in Japan safely and stably. In addition, we actively promote the global investment business to develop new markets and new product areas. For example, recently we have invested in a company engaged in the health foods and supplements business in the United States—the world's largest market for such products. Through this investment's sales network, we aim to supply high-quality supplements and raw materials researched and developed in Japan to not only the United States but other global markets as well.
A review of history shows that chemistry has greatly contributed to overcoming the many crises encountered by humanity. And now, with rapid population growth and economic development, the world is facing serious issues in the areas of the environment, food supply, water resources, and energy that have never been experienced before. Innovation in the field of chemistry is even more needed to solve these challenges. We plan to utilize fully our experience and know-how accumulated over many years as a chemical-products trading company and the global network of the Itochu Group. In doing so, we will quickly discover chemicals derived from superior innovation and supply them to markets around the world. As a result, in addition to making people's lives richer and more comfortable we want to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. We will also focus actively on developing talented people who can carry out this mission on a global scale.
Our motto calls for “Providing functions and added value through a customer orientation, as a business partner with integrity.” As the world's leading fine chemical and pharmaceutical specialty trading company, Itochu Chemical Frontier (ICF) hopes to open up new horizons of chemistry with various business partners and to be a force that will make even more people around the world happy.