About Us
ITOCHU Techno-Chemical Inc.
- Sep. 1971Incorporated as Ando Kaseihin KK(Capital: ¥30 million)
- May 1983Doubled capital to ¥60 million
- Mar. 1989Incleased capital to ¥75 million
- Aug. 1990Changed name to ITOCHU Techno-Chemical Inc.
- Sep. 1990Increased capital to ¥100 million
- Oct. 1990With reorganization of ITOCHU Corporation operations in the field of functional chemicals, received transfer of commercial rights and staff from ITOCHU Corporation and ITOCHU Fine Chemical Corporation
- Apr. 2003Transferred electronics materials division to ITOCHU PLASTICS INC.

- Oct. 1979Fine Chemical Department at ITOCHU Corp. spun out and ITOCHU FINE CHEMICAL Corporation established
- Jul. 1988Head Office moved from Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku to Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku
- Jul. 1990ITOCHU INTERCHEM Inc. merged
- Apr. 2002Acquired stocks of NISHI TOKYO CHEMIX corporation (acquisition price: 61 million yen, equity ratio:100%)
- May 2002Head Office moved from Hirakawa-cho to Kita-Aoyama, Minato-kxu in Itochu Bldg.
- Oct. 2002Company name changed to ITOCHU CHEMICAL FRONTIER Corporation.

Apr. 2005
ITOCHU Techno Chemical Inc. and ITOCHU CHEMICAL FRONTIER Corporation have merged into ITOCHU CHEMICAL FRONTIER Corporation.
Apr. 2007
Established Mizonokuchi Laboratory
Sep. 2021
50th anniversary of company establishment